QCCart shopping cart software is compatible with HTML editing programs
Many web designers and web site owners use some type of HTML editing program to make and change their web pages. This saves a lot of time when creating or updating web pages. It also reduces programming errors that no matter how hard you try to avoid always seem to find their way into the software. Editing programs give web site owners and designers a great deal of flexibility when setting up sites that have shopping carts. With an HTML editor you can change or add web pages to your shopping cart quickly and easily.
By far the most popular web page editing programs are FrontPage from Microsoft and Dreamweaver from Adobe. Our shopping cart software works great with pages made in either FrontPage, or Dreamweaver, or most other editing programs. QCCart has easy to follow instructions for integrating our shopping cart software to your web site. This makes the learning curve very accessible for web site owners who prefer to d their own work. With our flexible software it is also more cost effective if a professional web designer updates your shopping.