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Permanently Restrict/Allow Access By IP Address

Restricted Addresses:

Using a separate setting (Block IP Address After XXX Failed Order Attempts.), the shopping cart has the ability to automatically block shoppers that are entering invalid payment information.

In addition, some merchants find that they would like to permanently block IP addresses of known fraud abusers. You can do that with this setting.

An address entered here will never be able to place an order using your shopping cart.

Allowed Addresses:

If you are have an in-house ordering staff using the shopping cart, they may be blocked occasionally (Block IP Address After XXX Failed Order Attempts.).

Enter their IP addresses here to prevent this. All addresses entered here will be allowed access to the shopping cart no matter how many failed attempts are received.

Whether restricting or allowing, you can enter a single IP address or use a subnet mask to block or allow entire address ranges.

Below are some common examples:
Range to block/allowValue entered
Any IP beginning with
Any IP beginning with
Any IPs from to

Note: The examples above show private IP addresses. However, you cannot use a private IP to block or allow traffic. You must use a public IP address to block or allow a shopper. If you do not know your public IP address you can go to http://www.whatsmyip.org/ and they will tell you what your public IP is.