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1. Log In
2. Cart Settings
3. Payment/Gateway Settings
4. Payment Gateway Configuration

 Related Items
1. I am having a problem with my PEM certificate. I deleted the email and now I cannot verify the certificate information.

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First Data Global Gateway API

To download your First Data Global Gateway API digital PEM certificate, please use First Data Global Gateway Connect. Access First Data Global Gateway download Center in the First Data Global Gateway Support section:
  1. Log in at https://secure.linkpt.net/lpc/servlet/LPCLogin
  2. Click on "Support" in the Main Menu Bar.
  3. Click on the phrase "Download Center" under Downloads in the Side Menu Box.
  4. Click on the word "download" Store PEM File section on main page.
  5. Key in necessary information to start download.
  6. Save the file to your computer desktop. This will save as a ".pem" file extension.
Now that you have saved the PEM to your computer, you will need to upload the file to the cart administration area as follows:
  1. Log into your shopping cart account administration.
  2. Go to step 4, "Payment/Gateway Settings".
  3. Choose First Data Global Gateway API from the gateway dropdown list.
  4. The page will refresh and you will be able to enter your First Data Global Gateway StoreNumber and password.
  5. Then use the "Browse" button next to the Upload PEM Certificate option to browse your computer and upload the ".pem" file.
  6. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of step 4 to save the information.
Be sure to test your cart after making changes.
Credit card test numbers

Note: Entering your First Data Global Gateway API password is optional.